As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, the subconscious mind is extremely powerful. It influences about 95% of our actions and is the reason why when we set new year’s resolutions, we promptly abandon them by the time February rolls around, or maybe even sooner. Our subconscious mind is the master computer. It holds all kinds of memories that perhaps we’ve forgotten. It also holds all the programs and beliefs (negative and positive). Now, the key to changing something about our life, and what will determine the success of that change is if we have something called congruence between the two minds.
What does congruence mean? It means that if you’re saying I’m going on a diet where I eat only healthy, whole foods, no more junk food (conscious mind) it will go much smoother for you if you can have your subconscious mind on board. If you just all of a sudden completely overhaul and change your life, what will end up happening is your brain will panic at the sudden change. It will start to stress out over the changes and will protest greatly. When this happens, you’ll have to rely on something called willpower. Why is this a problem? Well willpower is limited and also requires discipline and decision making (also very tiresome and energy depleting). When on a daily basis you’re saying no to temptation all the time, it’s exhausting and uses up a lot of willpower. They actually did a study on this where they had a group of people in a room that were allowed to smell freshly baked cookies but not eat them. Instead they were given a far more cruel alternative of eating asparagus. Can you imagine? And on top of that they were required to solve a puzzle. Another group was allowed to have the cookie and also had to solve the puzzle. Can you guess which group did better?
The cookie one. The cookie one did better, why? Because they found that the second group was not mentally exhausted like the first group was. There’s nothing more tortuous than smelling delicious fresh baked cookies and being told you can’t have any. So what’s the point to me relaying this humorous, and kind of messed up story? It’s not to make you go out and bake fresh cookies. No, my point to this is that we simply cannot rely on willpower for long term changes. We cannot sustain that kind of exhaustion for the long term. Eventually most people (there are the 1-2 % wierdos who are able to just make up their minds and do something, in which case if you’re that person, walk away wierdo) will give in to the temptation because it’s just too hard.
The better way is to coax your subconscious mind and help it get on board with the new audacious goal you’re setting. It’s better to have more people on your side, especially if they’re the strong heavy lifters like the subconscious brain. I’ll give you an example. For me I set an inention to start and run a successful business. That’s the goal I and my conscious mind decided to go for. Only problem was that it was taking way too much willpower and mental effort for me to actually sit down and do the dang work that starting and running a successful business requires. So knowing what I know about the two different minds we have, I decided to check, was my subconscious actually on board with this decision?
Short answer: no. No it was not. Not even a little bit. Now, the struggle made sense to me. If I can’t get the most powerful aspect of my mind on board, then this whole process is going to be a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I’m always always always about finding and incorporating life hacks that make life as easy as possible. So once I discovered that there was a disagreement with my mind, I began to do some energy clearing to get rid of any energies that may have been contributing to my mind saying no. Now does that mean that the subconscious mind is the worst and doesn’t have my best interest at heart?
Of course not! Remember, your subconscious mind is always trying to protect you from danger. It wants to keep you safe, cozy, and comfortable. This is fine, it’s just that most of the time, we want to change something about ourselves to grow and improve, which automatically implies being uncomfortable and not so cozy. So anyways, once I cleared my energetic blocks that were in the way, guess what? When I retested my statement of wanting to grow a successful business and being willing to do the work that’s needed, my subconscious mind was on board. And the very next day, I was on a roll of getting things done that I needed to get done for my business, and it didn’t have the same feeling of difficulty attached to it like it did before.
Muscle testing is a way to talk to our subconscious mind, and that’s how you can discover if there is congruence between what you say consciously that you want to do versus what your subconscious mind is saying. Getting your subconscious mind on board can mean the difference between something being hard to accomplish versus a lot less hard or in an extreme case, the difference between starting something and abandoning it completely. In my next article I will talk about some different ways to muscle test as well as some helpful tips when you’re learning how to do so. If you have any questions about this I’d love to help you! Leave a comment below or send me a message!