If you’re new to muscle testing or you’ve never heard of it, that needs to be addressed first. Muscle testing is a form of kinesiology and it’s a very effective way to communicate with your body. Remember in my last article I talked about the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind? If you haven’t read that article click here to do so as this will make a lot more sense. Anyways, here’s the simplest way I can describe muscle testing. 

Muscle testing is a method that was developed by Dr. George Goodheart in the 60s as a way to correct imbalance in the skeleton. Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of the Emotion Code says: “You must understand one basic principle: all organisms, no matter how primitive, will respond to positive or negative stimuli. Your body will normally be drawn toward positive things or thoughts and repelled by negative things or ideas.” It is with this principle in mind that we can test out that theory by doing something called the “sway test.”

Here’s what you do:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Close your eyes, relax and do your best to let go of any thoughts swirling around in your head. You’ll notice that you start to sway a little bit. This is normal. 
  3. Now think of something positive or happy. It can even be the words positive, peace, happy or love, just anything that makes you feel good, bring it to mind.
  4. Notice which way you sway. It’s very likely that you will sway forward to that thought.
  5. Now re-center and think of the phrase war or hate.
  6. Notice that your body sways the opposite way, probably backward.
  7. Once you’ve practiced that, try “testing” certain statements like My name is ____ (insert your name). If it’s true, you will sway forward. 
  8. Now try with a statement, my name is Jack (or anything that’s not your name). You should sway backward. 

Keep practicing this and you will start to see the pattern between true and false statements or yes and no statements. A couple of tips. Make sure you’re hydrated when you do this. Water is an energy conductor and if you’re dehydrated you will get inconsistent or incorrect answers. If you find that the opposite is happening for you, like you’re swaying forward for negative things and backward for positive things, and you’ve already drunk your water, you may have an energy reversal. Try doing Donna Eden’s 5 minute energy routine Then try again. 

If you’re still having trouble, you may have a spinal misalignment. Seeing a chiropractor can help with this. Also if you’re not feeling well or are tired, this could affect your results. Try again at another time when you’re feeling better physically. 

Now there are many other ways to muscle test. I for one rarely use the sway test because I use a different method which I will talk about in another article. But this is a really great way to start because it’s the easiest one to feel and notice a difference with. By learning the sway test, you’re on your way to learning how to communicate with your subconscious mind and you can start testing to see if the goals you have set for yourself are in agreement with your subconscious mind or not. 

Hi!I’m Brooke and I’m so glad you’re here… I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed with life, to not feel like you’re in control of your anxiety…

To feel constantly triggered by your environment and feeling defeated because you can’t manage your negative emotions. I know what’s it like…

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